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Cigar Sense Inc. Introduces New Features to Further Enhance the Cigar Smoker Experience

Cigar Sense Inc. announces the addition of new features to their platform, conceived to help consumers discover new cigars suiting their unique tastes, develop deeper insight into what they like and eliminate expensive guesswork when choosing new cigars. New features include new membership options and the ability to create personal tasting notes and share them via social media.

February 19, 2016 (San Jose, CA via PRWEB) - Cigar Sense Inc. is an innovative online service, offering personalized expert advice on which cigars best suit a consumer's unique tastes.

Since its launch in 2015, Cigar Sense's advice has been sought by many novice and experienced cigar smokers, who join the service to discover new cigars which best fit their personal preferences. The benefits of Cigar Sense are appreciated in various countries, with different palates and backgrounds, by cigar lovers eager to discover the new, get the most from their cigar budget, and better understand their own likes and dislikes. Cigar Sense appeals most to open-minded and independent consumers who want to expand their horizons and deepen their knowledge of the plethora of fine cigars on the market today. Currently 90% of the cigars recommended by Cigar Sense are liked or loved by their members.

Cigar Sense introduces new features to enhance their members' experience.

1. A new membership plan is being introduced to allow visitors to experience the full capabilities of Cigar Sense's service for free.

"While we are very gratified by the support of our members at this stage of our startup, we do often hear requests from many people who would like to try our service for free. In response, we are adding new capabilities for free members to experience a wide range of Cigar Sense features in their first 30 days, with no cost or commitment." Cigar Sense co-founder and Vice-President David Wells adds "The independence in the advice we offer remains a key pillar, therefore we are committed to not sell ads, cigars or members' personal data. In addition, we purchase multiple samples of most of the cigars our panel analizes through rigorous blind tests. This is why a small membership fee remains necessary beyond the 30 day trial period".

New Cigar Sense members will now have 30 days to try out the service for free - no credit card is required. They will now be able to create their personal profile, view their personalized top ten recommended cigars, create their personal tasting notes, and take advantage of our retailer partnerships to save when purchasing recommended cigars.

2. Personal cigar reviews shareable on social media

"The more feedback members give us on specific cigars they have smoked, the better our system can help them refine their preferences to zero-in on their sweet spot." Cigar Sense founder Franca Comparetto explains "The tool used to quickly provide feedback to Cigar Sense is in fact a complete cigar review template. Members can build their own aroma and taste charts and give a visual representation to their flavor impressions. Today the cigar reviews are even more fun for members, because they can upload their image, easily share them in social media, or print them and archive them."

The new features will be available starting from Saturday February 20th at 9am PT.

About the Company: Cigar Sense Inc. is a Silicon Valley based, lean agile start up focused on maximizing the premium cigar lovers experience. Established in 2014, the company launched its services in 2015 and offers personalized expert advice on which cigars best suit a consumer's unique tastes.

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