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UPDATE: Smoking Ban in Baton Rouge - PROPOSAL KILLED

Update to the story posted below on April 13, 2016:

The Baton Rouge Metro Council killed a proposal that would have banned smoking in all businesses, including bars and casinos. The ordinance was designed to include a ban on smoking in all businesses, including bars and casinos, inside the city limits. After hearing more than two hours of passionate pleas from people both for and against the ban, the Metro Council was split down the middle: 6 for, 6 against.; however, the anti-smoking group Smoke Free East Baton Rouge says they still plan to push for a smoking ban.

Excellent news for our B&SOTL, B&Ms, and cigar lounges in the Baton rouge area!


Smoking Ban in Baton Rouge - IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED

Our Brothers & Sisters of the Leaf in Baton Rouge, LA need our assistance -- like NOW...

Habana Port Cigar Merchants has sounded the alarm and requested that all of cigar enthusiasts and customers in the Baton Rouge area call or email their council representatives and voice your objections to the proposed smoking ban. Apparently the same anti-tobacco contingent that was successful in passing the smoking ban in New Orleans last year has been campaigning heavily over the past few months with billboards and radio ads in Baton Rouge - these efforts will culminate at the city council meeting scheduled TODAY, Wednesday April 13 at 4:00 PM at City Hall.

Baton Rouge, your right to enjoy a cigar in a cigar lounge or attend a cigar tasting event is in jeopardy. It is not believed that cigar shops and cigars bars will be exempted from the proposed smoking ban; therefore, it is critical that you unite, display your concerns, and reiterate the freedom to choose the establishments you wish to patronize, as some businesses have voluntarily banned smoking while others believe smoking is essential to their businesses.

As cigar enthusiasts, we certainly do not need or want the local government to make these decisions for us. So if you do not want to see an end to cigar tastings or smoking lounges, then please click here to look up your district and find your council representative or check the contact information below:

*Council members who are FOR extending the smoking ban to include bars, casinos, and potentially cigar establishments.

Quoted from the council members (asterisked above) who are sponsoring the smoking ban:

"Amending and reenacting Title 12, Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge relative to the prohibition of smoking of cigars, cigarettes, pipes, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, including hookahs and marijuana, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or in any form, and the use of electronic smoking devices within the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, to provide for penalties and remedies; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto."

Join the fight with the Habana Port staff who will be attending the meeting at City Hall as well.

Courtesy of Habana Port Cigar Merchants

For more information about Habana Port

Habana Port Cigar Merchants

Baton Rouge Location 4433 Perkins Road, Suite 106 Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Metairie Location 1700 Veterans Blvd., Suite 300 Metairie, LA 70005

Website -

Follow Habana Port Cigar Merchants on social media:

Facebook - Habana Port

Twitter - @habanaport

Instagram - @habanaport

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