Davidoff Cigars proudly presents its Royal Release cigars and accessories line for time beautifully, royally filled
October 10, 2016 (Basel, Switzerland) - To be bestowed the label of a Davidoff Royal Release cigar, stringent selection, and a pursuit of perfection have been applied to the various stages of crafting the cigar – from seed, to leaf, to blend and finally in the rolling of the cigar. The Royal Release cigar experience, for those who have had a chance to experience it, is truly one-of-a-kind, never to be forgotten.
Royal Release cigar from Davidoff is unlike any other. It is a time beautifully and royally filled,” explained Charles Awad, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
“Our aficionados will realize in one beautiful instant that this cigar is the result of a very privileged upbringing. From seed to leaf, to finally blending and rolling the cigar, every step along the way was characterized by the stringent selection criteria, meticulous attention to detail and love that yield a most exceptional cigar. A most uncommon experience, a moment spent savoring this
A ROYAL BIRTH The seeds themselves were created, germinated and planted especially for this purpose. The heritage and pedigree of today’s Royals can be traced back to the harvest of 2004/5, a year of near perfect growing conditions and ideal rainfall. Harvested separately from other crops, curing took place in the Royal Barn, a building of surprisingly humble presence. Daily visits from Davidoff’s Head Masterblender ensured that color, texture, aromas and later, burn, were all monitored closely to ensure the exacting standards demanded of a Royal were met.
Bales given the Royal stamp were then left for eight years of ageing, so they aged to perfection. Throughout, they were lavished with the ideal temperature, light and humidity needed to create a cigar of such regal elegance.
ROYAL TREATMENT – FOR TO BE ROYAL IS TO BE ONE OF A KIND Everything about Royal Release is hand-picked, even the hands that roll them, which is why Davidoff only chose the best of the very best.
Eight of Davidoff’s best Master Rollers were given the task of using their combined skill and knowledge in crafting and creating a Davidoff cigar the likes of which no one has seen, held or tasted before.
These eight Master Rollers have rolled over seven million cigars between them. They each have at least 15 years’ experience and, with a quality control regime that saw them adhering to over 170 steps throughout the process, they each have had a hand in creating an utterly unique experience.
THE BLEND Each and every Davidoff Royal Release is in a class of its own. Its complex and balanced blend tantalizes the senses in a way that rises high above the ordinary. Royal Release cigars have been chosen by a process of painstaking refinement and selection which leaves no room for the merely ‘very good’. Thanks to the unique “Aromatica Dominicana” wrapper, the cigars have an extraordinary beauty and shine. This particular wrapper is for use on the Davidoff Royal Release Edition only, and will not appear on any other Davidoff cigar. The binder is a “Habano Ecuador” and the filler is composed of different Dominican tobaccos. The Davidoff Royal Release Edition will be available in two formats - Robusto and Salomones.
Format: Robusto Diameter: 2.2 cm; RG 55 Length: 14 cm; 5½”
Format: Salomones Diameter: 2.3 cm; RG 57 Length: 21 cm; 8¼”
Available in Royal Blue lacquered boxes of 10 cigars. Wrapper: “Aromatica Dominicana” seed grown in the Dominican Republic Binder: “Habano Ecuador” seed grown in Ecuador Filler: “San Vicente Ligero”, “San Vicente Mejorado Visus”, “Piloto Ligero”, a hybrid “Olor”/”Piloto Ligero” and “Criollo Ligero” seeds grown in the Dominican Republic
DAVIDOFF ROYAL RELEASE ACCESSORIES – IN SERVICE OF THE ROYAL FAMILY The Royal Release Lighter Nothing is more sensual in the aficionado’s cigar ritual than the moment the flame appears. As such Royal Release cigars deserve the most reliable lighter on earth. Davidoff has chosen France’s finest expert to craft the Royal Release lighter - S.T. Dupont. The product of a 500-stage quality-controlled process, this very limited Royal Release blue lacquered lighter guarantees that, from the very first pull, cigar aficionados will enjoy a harmonious, satisfying experience.
The Royal Release Ashtray These exquisite Royal Blue ashtrays are mouth-blown by celebrated Murano glass blowers, virtuosos in the art of glass for five centuries. Taming crystal glass into this ethereal shape is a skill mastered only by the best glass craftsmen. Four layers of lead-free crystal glass sheets create this elegant hub around which to gather.
Without a doubt, Royal Release cigars and accessories will reign supreme however, wherever and whenever aficionados want to fill their time beautifully, and royally.
LAUNCH AND AVAILABILITY The Davidoff Royal Release cigars and accessories are already in the US market and will be available for wider release at selected Appointed Merchants in October 2016. Outside the US the products will be launched worldwide at Davidoff Depositaries and Davidoff Flagship Stores in late November 2016.
MEDIA CONTACT: Oettinger Davidoff AG Corporate Communications Hochbergerstrasse 15 CH – 4002 Basel Tel. +41 61 279 36 24 media@oettingerdavidoff.com oettingerdavidoff.com davidoff.com